Journal Press India®


This issue covers modern trends and practices in management from diverse angles.

GBS Impact, the multidisciplinary journal is blind peer reviewed refereed bi-yearly journal, which is being published since 2013. The GBS Impact emphasizes on the publication of original investigations that contribute to new knowledge and understanding in fields of Management and other allied multiple disciplines. This journal primarily considers descriptive research & cases that enhance understanding and provides a platform to research scholars, academicians and corporate executives to disseminate their innovative, field based research, and practical experiences through the publication for the benefit of the society at large and the world of business.

The objectives of author on article ‘Challenges facing non-academic staff of higher institutions in Nigeria and the way forwards’ is to assess challenges faced by the non-academic staff in Nigerian Higher institutions and recommended few measures to address these changes.

The research paper on ‘A study of fantasy and uncanny’ is written with the aim of looking out acceptable theoretical approach for the variability of texts and contexts.

The research article ‘Impact of banks merger on employees and customer living’ will give a quick insight and analysis merger in the banking sector and its impact on employees and customers living. The study reveals that there is satisfaction among employees about the merger of banks and customer of the banks are dissatisfied about the merger of banks.

The research article ‘Dental care and CRM’, emphasis on the point that satisfaction of patients about the various dental services in Dharwad-Hubli City. Patient Satisfaction would lead to loyalty and to have more loyal customers, the dental care has to have continuous improvement in CRM practices.

The research article ‘An investigation into the challenges facing planning of special education in F.C.T, Abuja, Nigeria’ investigated the challenges faced by the special education in Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja, Nigeria. The conclusion drawn from the research that inadequate funding, inadequate data/information, political instability, changes of educational policies, poor capacity development of planners, and inadequate professional educational planners are problems faced in planning of special education in FCT.

‘India's petroleum retail sector – current scenario’ this research paper identifies, the Indian Petro-Retail Sector : Pre- Administered Pricing Mechanism Era, Administered Pricing Mechanism in Petro-retailing, Liberalization in the marketing sector and challenges ahead in petro-retail sector.

In addition we have an extensive article on ‘Lagori and its contribution to sports and games’, which explains the oldest game played in the rural parts “lagori”. The research paper highlights the origin, various rules, regulations, impact on socio-cultural values.

The next article ‘Jewellery price and jewelers calculations’ highlights insights about the precious yellow metal Gold. The research paper highlights the calculations involved in the making the final product from a jeweler's perspective.

‘A Study on the Technical Analysis of Future Prices of Selected Agricultural Spices Commodities’ the research paper analyze the spices agricultural commodity's futures price movement by using the technical analysis.

Trust that the collection of articles in this issue makes it interesting to read.

Dr. Bhargav Revankar
Associate Professor

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